Sunday, June 16, 2013

Challenge: Days 5, 6, & 7

Friday was awesome! I chose to be positive, despite my current obstacles, and rocked my workout! I was even dancing during the water breaks! I drank all my water. I made good food choices. It was great.

The best thing that happened Friday was: I danced during the water breaks!

Saturday was not so awesome. I crashed. I was physically and emotionally done. I tried to work out and made it only 5 minutes through the warm up before I decided to take a nap instead. I couldn't sleep, though, so I laid in bed for an hour and half in the dark. It was relaxing, but I found myself getting frustrated that even when I had the opportunity, I couldn't sleep. We went to Cortez's bday party for a quick visit, and then I went to Drew's bbq. I almost fell asleep at the wheel driving home I was so tired.

The best thing that happened Saturday was: I took 2 Tylenol PM and went to bed at 8:00. Garrett took the first night feeding at 11pm so I slept straight through until 1am. And then fell back asleep until 2:30 when the baby needed to be fed. So nice! ...but the sleep debts are so deep now that even one night of good sleep isn't quite enough...

Today is pretty good so far. It's Father's Day and we went to Garrett's parents' for breakfast. It was nice to not have to think about what to make for breakfast. I'll drink my Shakeo for lunch...

The best thing that happened today was: Getting to celebrate Father's Day with my family!

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